- I had nearly finished chapter 8. 我就要把第8章看完了。
- Chapter 8 - What distributions support APT? 第8章-哪些发行版支持APT?
- I show you how to use this utility in Chapter 8. 我教你该如何在第8章使用这公用程式。
- Symbolic interactionism ( Chapter 8 ) , certain rule using theories ( Chapter 9 ) , and theories or the social construction of reality ( Chapter 9) illustrate this genre. 符号互动论(第8章),某些规则,使用的理论(第9章),和理论或社会建设的现实(第9章)说明了这一类型。
- The analysis of wedge failures is discussed in Chapter 8. 楔体破坏的分析将在第8章中讨论。
- In Chapter 8, we describe the security mechanism of WBEM. 在第八章中,则将介绍WBEM的安全机制;
- A city of northern Australia on Port Darwin, an inlet of the Timor Sea. It was founded as Palmerston in 8'9 and renamed in 9. Population, '5,200. 达尔文:澳大利亚北部一城市,位于达尔文港沿岸,帝汶海的一入口处,8'9年建成时为帕默斯顿,于9年重新命名。人口'5,200
- Class documentation can also be used for interfaces (see Chapter 8). 类文档亦可用于“接口”目的(本书后面会详细解释)。
- The positive rate of DDIA was 15 8%. The positive rate in 18 stool positive subjects was 94 4% with Youden In dex 0 81. The positive rate of DGS COPT was 8 9% . DDIA阳性 73人 ;阳性率为 15 .;8%25;18例粪检阳性者中 17例阳性;阳性符合率为 94
- Centrelink (see Chapter 8, Social security ) to see if you qualify for a concession. 会保障")联络以看一看你是否有资格申请优惠卡。
- Latanoprost had the greatest mean IOP lowering effect in both the primary open angle glaucoma(POAG)( P =0 005) and the chronic closed angle glaucoma(CCAG)( P =0 33) groups,reducing the IOP by 8 9 mmHg ang 4 1 mmHg respectively. 无论是原发性开角型青光眼 ( primary open angle glaucoma;POAG)组还是慢性闭角型青光眼 ( chronic closed- angleglaucoma;CCAG)组 ;latanoprost都显示出最明显的降眼压作用 ;眼压分别降低 8.;9mm Hg( P=0
- In Chapter 8 we were concerned with the arrangement of the electrons in the ground states of atoms. 我们在第八章中讨论了处于基态的原子内电子的排列情况。
- That is, "today" is 31 July, 1992, determining the year from that given by chapter 8, "The Deathday Party". 就是说,“这一天”是1992年的7月31号。年份是依照第8章的“忌辰晚会”来确定的。
- Chapter 8 goes into more detail on how device drivers register their devices with the networking code. 第8章会更用网络代码详细的说明设备驱动是如何注册它们的设备的。
- Why is infant baptism (a much discussed issue in the early 19th century) condemned in Chapter 8 of Moroni? 为什麽婴儿洗礼(一个十九世纪早期被广泛讨论的议题)在摩罗乃书第八章被咒诅?
- Reference count. The device cannot be unregistered until this counter has gone to zero (see Chapter 8). 引用计数,当它为0的时候表示该设备可以被反注册。
- Users and Groups Administration : Clicking this link allows you to alter users and groups (discussed in Chapter 8). “用户和组管理”:点击该链接允许你更改用户和组(在第8章中讨论)。
- The storage allocator in Chapter 8 shows how a union can be used to force a variable to be aligned on a particular kind of storage boundary. 第8章的存储分配程序将说明如何使用联合来强制一个变量在特定类型的存储边界上对齐。
- In Chapter 8, for example, I'll discuss how you can put your device into a low power state during periods of inactivity. 例如,在第八章中,我将讨论,在静止周期过程中,你如何能够把你的设备放进一个低功率状态。
- S12:In chapter 8, I investigate how the constitutional channeling of social and political power functions in complex societies. 第八章,我探讨在复杂社会当中,对于社会和政治权力的功能的法治指导是如何的。